The session focuses on the challenge that violence represents for development in Middle-Income Countries (MICs). The new IDB "Framework to Support Populations in Situations of Fragility, Conflict, and Criminal Violence (FCCV)" in Latin America and the Caribbean, which emphasises the need to confront this challenge, is briefly presented. A panel of experts addresses several dimensions of this phenomenon, such as its magnitude and measurement challenges, socioeconomic impacts, and what we know and need to know for protecting vulnerable populations, and for strengthening institutional capacities for addressing crime and violence in these contexts.
Host: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Moderator: Rodrigo Serrano-Berthet (Principal Citizen Security and Justice Specialist, IDB)
Speakers: Anabel Gonzalez (Vice President for Countries, IDB), Joana Monteiro (Coordinator of the Centre for Applied Science to Security, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil), Santiago Tobón (Professor of Economics, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia), Carlos Hernandez (Executive Director, ASJ Honduras), Benjamin Lessing (Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago).